Type ID | 5 |
MMSI | 341206001 |
Repeat Indicator | 0 |
IMO Number | 9385817 |
Call Sign | V4JE5 |
Vessel Name | ABOUDI D |
Country Code | 341 |
Country Name | Saint Kitts and Nevis (Federation of) |
Ship Type | 70 |
Ship Type Description | Cargo, all ships of this type |
D Bow | 87 |
D Stern | 24 |
D Port | 14 |
D Starboard | 5 |
Fix Type | 0 |
ETA Date | 2024-11-15 04:00:00 |
Draught | 7.7 |
Destination | LARNACA |
Destination Port | Larnaca |
Destination Country | Cyprus |
Dte | 0 |
Received Timestamp | 2024-11-21 10:33:32 |