Type ID | 18 |
MMSI | 232009915 |
Repeat Indicator | 0 |
Longitude - X | 33.036 |
Latitude - Y | 34.6707 |
Country Code | 232 |
Country Name | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Position Accuracy | 1 |
Cog | 33.7 |
True Heading | 511 |
Unit Flag | 1 |
Display Flag | 0 |
Dsc Flag | 1 |
Band Flag | 1 |
M22 Flag | 1 |
Mode Flag | 0 |
Raim | 1 |
Commstate Flag | 1 |
Commstate Cs Fill | 393222 |
Sog | 0 |
Received Timestamp | 2025-02-03 19:48:20 |